Eagle Research Homeopathic Remedies


Over three hundred remedies are available for many different ailments. These remedies have been developed after years of research in various parts of the world. Eagle Research inventories eleven different kits. Each kit has thirty glass vials and each vial contains a specific antidote for natural and man-made agents.

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Over three hundred remedies are available for many different ailments. The remedies make an invaluable investment for the professional or family caregiver. These remedies have been developed after years of research in various parts of the world. Eagle Research inventories eleven different kits. Each kit has thirty glass vials and each vial contains a specific antidote for natural and man-made agents.

In most cases, the common specific remedy has been given a generic name that will be recognized by laymen. The following is a listing of these kits with a few comments on each kit.

  • Kit #1 Pain & Strain, Diarrhea, Parvo, Skin problems, Snakebite & more, Lymph infections, etc.
  • Kit #2 Cataract, Anti-viral infections, Pollens, Fleas & Ticks, and heavy metals.
  • Kit #3 Herbicides, Solvents, Glues, Paints, Cleaners, Plastics, Fibers, etc.
  • Kit #4 Anesthetics, Post-surgical, Steroids, Antibiotics, Urinary tract, etc.
  • Kit #5 Severe Bio/Chemical Contaminants, Malaria, Smallpox, Black Plague, Cholera, Leggionella, Radiation, Typhoid, and Norwalk.
  • Kit #6 Nosodes for Vaccines & Population Control Agents, Cholera vaccine, Hepatitis A/B.
  • Kit #7 Viruses & Rare Parasites, Coxsackie’s B4, D800, Hepatitis New, D400.
  • Kit #8 Viruses & Rare Parasite 2, Hepatitis A C200, Poliomyelitis D200.
  • Kit #9 Viruses & Rare Parasites 3, Coxsackie’s B6 D30, Ascaris, Plasmodium, Malonic Acid, RS Virus D30.
  • Kit #10 Tapeworm, Aspergillus, Molds 1-3.
  • Kit # 11 Microbial Plane Test Kit – Bacteria, Fungi, Spores, and Parasites.

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